1girl bag belt beret blue_eyes blue_hair blush boots bus_stop bus_stop_sign cherry_blossoms cherubi cup doughnut dress drink drinking_straw earrings eating falling_petals food food_in_mouth fringe_trim hand_on_forehead hand_on_own_forehead hat heart high_heel_boots high_heels holding holding_cup holding_doughnut holding_food jacket jewelry kris_(pokemon) looking_ahead n_yurikun open_clothes open_jacket open_mouth petals pink_background pink_belt pink_beret pink_dress pink_hat pink_jacket pink_petals pink_skirt pokemon pokemon_(creature) pokemon_gsc schedule shoulder_bag skirt smile suicune totodile tree twintails

1 comment (0 hidden)

Anonymous >> #41935
Posted on 2024-06-29 23:56:51 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
If you wanted to make Kris cuter then people in art make her then you really have succeeded!